Der forskes heldigvis en del i klinisk hypnose, og vi vil her præsentere en række spændende studier. De fleste links er til abstracts og ikke de fulde studier.
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I konklusionen hedder det bl.a.:
Meta-analysis of 18 studies revealed a moderate to large hypnoanalgesic effect, supporting the efficacy of hypnotic techniques for pain management. The results also indicated that hypnotic suggestion was equally effective in reducing both clinical and experimental pain. The overall results suggest broader application of hypnoanalgesic techniques with pain patients.
Konklusionen af dette reveiw er, at der er behov for yderligere kvalitetsstudier, der kan bekræfte hypnosens effekt.
Resultaterne af denne analyse er positive, og det hedder bl.a.:
“One RCT rated poor on quality assessment. Meta-analyses of the three remaining RCTs showed that, compared with controls, fewer parturients having hypnosis required analgesia, relative risk=0.51 (95% confidence interval 0.28, 0.95). Of the two included NRCs, one showed that women using hypnosis rated their labour pain less severe than controls (P<0.01). The other showed that hypnosis reduced opioid (meperidine) requirements (P<0.001), and increased the incidence of not requiring pharmacological analgesia in labour (P<0.001).”
Konklusion :
“During lumbar puncture only hypnosis significantly reduced pain (P < 0.001); anxiety was reduced to a large degree by hypnosis (P < 0.001) and to a smaller degree by nonhypnotic techniques (P < 0.05). Thus hypnosis was shown to be more effective than nonhypnotic techniques for reducing procedural distress in children and adolescents with cancer.”
Studiet sammenligner flere interventionsgrupper – bl.a. hypnose, afspænding og medicinsk behandling.
Hypnosen sænkede det systole blodtryk med 17% efter 8 sesioner og det diastole 19% efter 9 sesioner. Samme tal var for medicinsk behandling 16% og 14%.
Mere under Uddannelse og kurser:
Danmarks tværfaglige hypnoseselskab
for sundhedsprofessionelle